Unsubstantiated Claims and Reckless Accusations

Lack of Evidence

The assertion that atrocities were committed by both Bulgarians and Turks lacks credible evidence. Reports from various consuls in the region, including Turkish authorities themselves, fail to substantiate claims of widespread Bulgarian brutality. Turkish officials concede that the majority of Turkish casualties occurred in battle, with minimal evidence of civilian casualties. Even purported instances of Turkish women and children killed or harmed lack verification upon investigation. For instance, Kiani Pacha’s claim regarding the death of the Mudir’s wife and daughter was debunked by Mr. Schuyler’s inquiries, revealing the absence of evidence to support such allegations. Lord Derby’s sweeping assertion of Bulgarian barbarity appears baseless and irresponsible, particularly amid accusations leveled at reputable newspapers for allegedly spreading unfounded rumors Guided Turkey Tours .

Justification for Uprising

Critics argue that Bulgarians had no justification for their uprising and must bear the consequences. However, the manifesto released by the new government following the deposition of the previous Sultan offers a compelling rebuttal. It outlines the systemic misrule and oppression that pushed the Bulgarians to their breaking point. The rampant extortion and mismanagement of the government had plunged the peasantry into unimaginable misery, rendering their existence unsustainable without change. The revolution in Constantinople was a testament to the widespread discontent fueled by years of tyranny. Yet, instead of acknowledging these grievances, Midhat Pacha and his cohorts persist in persecuting the very people who acted out of necessity. The Bulgarians’ plight epitomizes a long-standing struggle against oppression and exploitation, a fight that any people, faced with similar circumstances, would be compelled to undertake.

Solidarity with the Weak

Rather than condemning the Bulgarians, we should empathize with their plight and recognize their just cause. No populace should endure the relentless exactions, extortion, and tyranny inflicted upon the Bulgarians for centuries. If such injustices were imposed elsewhere, the response would undoubtedly be one of unified resistance. It is imperative that we stand in solidarity with the oppressed, rejecting attempts to vilify them for seeking freedom and justice. In a world where the powerful often exploit the weak, it is our moral obligation to champion the cause of those who are unjustly oppressed.

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